Konverse Help


If you can’t find a specific post in your newsfeed or within a room, you can perform a simple keyword search. To perform a simple search in Konverse - 

  1. Click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the app.
  2. The Search Type will default to All, which allows you to search for any type of information in the app that contains your keyword.
  3. Type your chosen keyword or phrase into the search bar.
  4. If you are currently viewing content within a room, a checkbox will appear under the search bar that will ask if you would like to only search within that room. Check the box to restrict your search to only that room if you wish.
  5. Click Search.

Any results that contain your keywords (in the title of the post, the body of the post, or comments on the post) will display in your newsfeed. These results will be ordered in chronological order with the most recent posts at the top of the feed and the oldest posts at the bottom. Please note that results will appear from all public loops or rooms as well as all loops or rooms where you are a member.

If you need to be more specific with your search, advance search helps you refine your results further. To use Advanced Search, enter search terms as you would for Simple Search and then follow these instructions:

  1. Click on Advanced under the search bar.
  2. To sort the search results by relevance instead of date (which is the default), check the Sort by Relevance checkbox.
  3. If you forget to check Sort by Relevance, at the top of your search results you will find two tabs: Recent and Most Relevant. Click on the Most Relevant tab to also sort your posts by relevance.
  4. To only include posts with attachments in the results, check the Has Attachments checkbox.
  5. Choose the type of attachment (file, image, or video) in the dropdown that appears.
  6. If you only want results that were posted by a specific member or members, enter the members’ names in the From Member field.
  7. To restrict your search to a specific room, enter the room name(s) in the room field.
  8. To only return results within a certain date range, enter the beginning and end dates of the date range in the Date Range fields.
  9. Click Search.

If you would like to restrict search to a room without navigating to it in the left navigation menu, you can use Advanced Search to specify the room in which you would like to search. To use Advanced Search to perform a search within a specific room:

  1. Click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the page.
  2. The Search Type will default to All, which allows you to search for any type of information in the app that contains your keyword.
  3. Type your chosen keyword or phrase into the search bar.
  4. Click on Advanced under the search bar.
  5. Enter the room name(s) in the room field.
  6. Click Search.

The Konverse search feature allows you to filter by specific fields in the custom forms added to your app.

Searching by a specific form allows you to narrow your results to only posts of that specific type. It also allows you to enter search terms for each of the different fields within that form. For example, if you have an Event form with fields for date, location, type of event, and description, you can add a keyword into any of those fields in the search form to return posts where the keyword is contained within one of those specific fields.

To search by a specific form type:

  1. Click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right of the page.
  2. Choose the form type you’d like to search. The list of all searchable fields within that form will display in the search form.
  3. Enter the keywords within the specific field search bar in which you would like to search.
  4. Click Search.

If you know the content for which you are searching is contained within a certain room, you can restrict your search so you only see results posted in that room. 

Search while in a room

If you navigate to a room homepage or view a post from within the room (as opposed to clicking on it in your home feed), you can restrict the search to that room by following these instructions:

  • While on a room homepage, click on the search spyglass in the top right corner of the page. The search form will appear.
  • Enter your keyword in the search bar.
  • Check the Search only in [room name] checkbox.
  • Click Search.

Search within a specfic room from your app's homepage 

  • Similar to above, click the search spyglass in the top right hand corner of the page. The search form will appear. 
  • Enter your keyword
  • Click on + Advanced to expand your options 
  • Enter the room names where you wish to search.
  • Click Search. 

Konverse also serves as a directoy! There are two ways to search for another member within your Konverse app.

Search Tool

  1. Click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click on the Search Type dropdown and select Member.
  3. Type the member's name into the search bar.
  4. Click Search.


User Search Tab

  1. Click on the User Search tab found in your menu. The search form will appear on the right side of the screen with Member already selected in the Search Type drop down.
  2. Type the user’s name into the search bar.
  3. Click Search.